Dear Mr. Okubo, Mr, Sakai, Ms. Li Yan and other Q.12 experts, Mr. Okubo, thank you for your help on additional VC setup procedure. After I sent my previous mail, I checked H.310 Phase A3, and found the problem for H.bmultipoint. Problem: If a leaf terminal initiated initial VC ("meet-me") and the MCU would like to add the terminal as a point-to-multipoint leaf, H.310 Phase A3 description does not seem to allow the MCU to initiate an additional VC setup. {Is this true?} Possible solution (that I propose): Add a description for MCU and terminal case to H.310 version 2 Phase A3 as following: (If this proposal is accepted, we need to revise H.bmultipoint 8.3 Phase C, also. ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this phase, and based on the communication mode determined above, the calling terminal, that is, the one that initiated the first VC SETUP message, shall firstly indicate the characteristics of the additional VC(s) to the remote end using the H.245 NewATMVCIndication message, and then shall setup the additional VC(s) with the appropriate parameters, such as bitrate and AAL type, for the transfer of the audiovisual and other data between the two H.310 terminals. If the calling terminal is talking to an MCU, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that is known by a terminalType during Master Slave Determination, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the calling terminal shall wait for the indication of the additional ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VC(s) characteristics and the H.245 NewATMVCIndication message. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The additional VC(s) with the appropriate parameters, such as bitrate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and AAL type, for the transfer of the audiovisual and other data ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ shall be initialted by the MCU. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE - This allows the remote end to receive the H.245 NewATMVCIndication message before responding to the VC setup message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I would like to hear any comments or other possible solutions from experts. Hideh Hidenobu Harasaki harasaki@ccm.CL.nec.co.jp Principal Researcher C&C Media Research Labs., NEC Corporation Phone: +81 44 856 8083 Fax: +81 44 856 2232