Yes, I agree with your points. This should probably be documented.
-----Original Message----- From: Klaghofer Karl ICN EN HC SE 81 [mailto:Karl.Klaghofer@ICN.SIEMENS.DE] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 12:37 PM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: Calling Party Number
Francois, Some further thoughts on this issue,
A calling party may provide both E.164 number and PNP number within H.323 (applies also in case of calling party being in SCN (e.g. PBX). I agree, the E.164 address should be in H.225.0 Calling Party Number IE; the PNP address should be within the Setup-UUIE.sourceAddress.partyNumber.privateNumber field.
A second E.164 number - if received from the SCN - may be sent further by an ingress GWY within a second H.225.0 Calling Party Number IE if the two calling party number option is supported. The alternative to map this second E.164 number received into Setup-UUIE.sourceAddress.partyNumber.publicNumber field is not recommended, since we currently in H.225.0 have the problem that the SetupUUIE.presentatioIndicator and SetupUUIE.screeningIndicatir always apply to all alias addresses in Setup-UUIE (PNP, E.164, etc) which might be a problem.
Furthermore, you may want to provide any kind of modified/prefixed calling party number (e.g. by GWY or GK). This should then be placed within Setup-UUIE.sourceAddress.dialledDigits field.
Regards, Karl
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Francois Audet [mailto:audet@NORTELNETWORKS.COM] Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2000 19:38 An: ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com Betreff: Re: Reference which version of Q.931, etc.?
I do not know of any impact directly. However, it will be necessary to verify what the impact might be, if any.
As an additional though, Q.931 supports two Calling Party IEs. Do we need two calling party structures in ASN.1 for equivalent support?
I am not sure.
I tought the 2 Calling Party IEs are only use when one is public-network-provided (i.e., verified by Ma Bell) and the other is "user" or "private-network" provided. In that case, it might be sufficient to only use the information element (the 2 of them) since it will always be E.164 numbers (at least for the E.164 number). I could see 2 IEs (one with the verified E.164 number, the other with the un-verified user-provided number), or 1 IE (with the verified number) and 1 ASN.1 with the private number.
What do you think?
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