[My apologies if you receive this more than once] ====================================================== MATA'2001 Third International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications August 14-16, 2001, Montréal, CANADA Co-sponsored by IEEE and ACM http://www.congresbcu.com/mata01/ CALL FOR PAPERS ================ Technical papers (4500 words maximum) describing previously unpublished, completed research or work in progress, not currently under review by another journal or conference, are solicited on the following topics: Mobile Agent Architecture and Models Agent Identification, Tracking and Persistence Agent-based Mobility Management in Mobile Networks Web Agent Systems Agent Integration with CORBA and TINA Active Networks and Mobile Agents Feature Interaction and Agents Mobile Agents Communication Language Security in Mobile Agent Systems Interactive Multimedia Presentation Agents Agent-based Electronic Commerce Agent-based Access to Legacy Services Managing QoS with agents Information Discovery and Gathering using agents Data Mining Agents Network Management Agents Policy-based Management using Mobile Agents Education and Applications of Mobile Agents Prototypes and Experience with Mobile Agents Seamless Messaging and Mobile Agents Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Papers of particular merit will be proposed for publication in IEEE Network Magazine. All paper submissions should have a cover page containing the title, names, email address and complete postal addresses (including telephone and fax numbers) for all authors. Please indicate the main author for the purpose of correspondence. The cover page should also provide an abstract (150 words maximum), and a list of keywords. Please include a statement stating that "when accepted, one of the authors will attend the Workshop to present the paper". Submissions should be sent by email to the program chair: Roch Glitho Ericcson Research Canada 8400, boul. Décarie Ville Mont-Royal, Québec, Canada, H4P 2N2 email: roch.glitho@lmc.ericsson.se Tel.: (514) 345-7000 ext. 2266 IMPORTANT DATES FOR PAPER SUBMISSION Full paper submission due April 1, 2001 Notification of acceptance May 15, 2001 Final paper due June 15, 2001 ======================================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com