Dear Colleagues, I fully agree with the comments made by Dale Skran, and this was also the essence what he said in the Welches, OR meeting - in his usual humorous, but occasionally a bit provocative way (that, by the way, I personally love so much...). The subject, as it came up also in the Oregon meeting, is very important, can not and should not be ignored (this was supported by several people). As I have pointed out already in the Osaka meeting, large companies seems to be divided on the subject (so nobody is blaming here anybody). The "enterprise" side of those very same companies favour very clearly the H.323 mobility, while the "mobile carrier" side supports (rightly or wrongly, that the discussion point) the SIP based solution. As it was pointed out, originally the requirement for the SIP based solution came from the carriers (e.g. MCI Worldcom come to my mind), so from our customers, who are the kings...but, as a matter of fact they were then supported by a few supporting contributions coming from manufacturers. By this development the "enterprise" and the "mobile carrier" solution are likely to develop separately, which is not too good for compatibility and interoperability. Kind regards, Istvan Sebestyen -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Istvan Sebestyen Siemens AG, ICN M CS27, Hofmannstr. 51, D-81359 Munich, Germany Tel:+49-89-722-47230 Fax:+49-89-722-47713 E-Mail office:; E-mail private:; Siemens Intranet: Siemens FTP: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
---------- From: Skran, Dale[SMTP:DSkran@SONUSNET.COM] Reply To: Mailing list for parties associated with ITU-T Study Group 16 Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 3:29 PM To: Subject: response to open letter from Tom Taylor
Dear Tom: Allow me to repeat the comments I made during the meeting. I noted that a large contribution comparing SIP and H.323 had been submitted to 3GPP, having the conclusion of SIP's superiority. I complained that I was disappointed in the non-technical nature of much of the material provided, and urged the delegates to bring in real technical contributions concerning the possible demerits of H.323, with a view to the improvement thereof. My goal, then, as now, is the improvement of H.323, and also to call the delegates attention to a document whose existance they may not have been aware of, and which might stimulate them to bring in additional contributions. Any implication that, for example, 3GPP members are gullible, or there were no other contributions in 3GPP on this topic appears to be speculation. In addition, the idea that I or Sonus might profit in some fashion from these comments is both speculative and humorous. As you can clearly see, they have brought me nothing but trouble so far. I am still hoping for the real gain of additional valuable H.323 related contributions. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Francois Audet for his many contributions to H.323 over the years, both as an editor and as a contributor, and also to his many contributions to the ATM Forum. Francois has been, without fail, a positive and helpful member of Q13 and the H.323 community, and I would like to thank Nortel for supporting his standards work. One of the criticisms of H.323 in the 3GPP discussions appeared to be the idea that SIP would be easier to modify for the wireless environment than H.323, apparently because of a perception that the SIP community is more open to change. I feel this is completely unfair and untrue. As rapporteur, I have always welcomed new contributors and new ideas into the H.323 system of recommendations, and would like to urge the further consideration of H.323 for wireless/mobile applications by groups other than 3GPP (of course, further consideration by 3GPP is also welcome!). Such groups will find Q13/WP2/SG16 ready and eager to work with them in defining any changes needed for the wireless/mobile environment. I would also like to call attention to the continuing work of Q13 in H.323 Annex H and I. H.323 Annex H (User Service, and Terminal Mobility in H.323) Determination 11/00 Editor J. Sundquist (Nokia) H.323 Annex I (Packet based MM Telephony over Error Prone Channels) Determination 11/00 Editor B. Aronson (Toshiba)
Sincrely, Dale Skran Q13 Rapporteur
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