Dear Mr. OKUBO Sakae and all:
I appreciate that Mr. OKUBO Sakae have given us the comments to draft F.dl
and F.avod. I modified the draft F.dl and F.avod based on his comments. Attached
is the new version of draft F.dl. The reply to Mr. OKUBO Sakaea's comments
is as follows: You comments to the reversion of F.dl and comments to
the reply are solicited. I will send the new version of Draft F.avod soon.
Thank all of you for your comments in advance.
Best Regard.
Nie xiuying
1/ Table of Contents
Why ex Section 8
Requirements has been dropped in this draft? It
should be an essential part
as shown in the title and scope.
Add Ex Section 8 requirments to new
document, delete 8.2 and 8.3 of last version. In my opinion, 8.2 and 8.3 have
similar means to ex section 8.
2/ Section 1
I cannot understand
the meaning of "responsive application solution"
and the intention of
including the "when applicable ITU-T
Recommendations are not yet available"
part. The latter looks
contradictory if this documents is intended as an
I derived this setence from ITU- T REc.
F.701. I think it refers to special application requirments and technical
architecture and framwork. I delete the sentence from the new version document
if it does not define anything.
3/ Section 2
We need to check if we
can include IEEE standards as part of the
normative references.
have checkITU-T releted document about it. the answer to it is "yes".
Section 3, Distance Learning
I do not understand what "sometimes
connectedness" means.
It means "through telecommunication networks"., because
using post ( or mail) to send learning material is also a kind of "distance
5/ Section 6, last paragraph
The same comment as
6/ Section 7.1.1, Case 2, Stage 1
It is implied that DLSP
provides instant messaging. Videophone and
telephone look separate from
DLSP. Is that the intention?
It only refers to that individual instruct
can also be achieved using videophone or telephone. It may or may not within
DLSP. For this draft scope, I delete them from this document to limite distance
learning to multimedia services.
7/ Section 7.3, 1st paragraph
would suggest to itemize listed applications as bullets.
I modify the
document based on this suggestion.
8/ Section 7.3, 2nd
"conferences" and "files distribution applications" look too
for this document addressing distance learning service.
delete them.
9/ Section 8.2
I would suggest to itemize listed
applications under the sentence:
The following are desirable adjuncts to
the distance learning application:
I delte this section, because I add ex
section 8 requirments to this document.
Section 5, 2nd paragraph
I wonder if the scope of this document is
limited to the use of
"current carriers networks." I believe it should also
take into
account other type of networks like corporate, private
Chang it to telecommunications networks to include other networks.
2/ Section 6.1, 2nd paragraph
This description doe not match
Figure 1. "Control and management
system" is a part of the "service
provider" there.
Change the description to " .. is made of content
providers, service providers and end users "
3/ Section 6.1, after Figure
1, 2nd bullet, 2nd sentence
It is hard to capture the structure of this
sentence. Please rephrase it.
4/ Section 6.1
services" is too generic. We need some examples in the
context of
Give some examples . such as audivisual on demand service prsented,
gaming, per-order audiovisual on demand services.
5/ Section 7.1, 1st
paragraph, 3rd sentence
I cannot understand what "integrating centralized
or distributed
methods" means.
Delete them form document.
refers to CDN based method and peer to peer delivery method.
6/ Section
7.2, 1st paragraph, 4th sentence starting with "Some
current affairs,
This sentence is incomplete.
delete this sentence.
Section 7.3, Stage 5, 2nd last sentence
It is not clear to me how "due to
he has passed the authentication
before" related to other part of the
delete " after he passes authentication".
8/ Section
8.3, 3rd sentence
This sentence is incomplete.
change "." to ","to
make two sentences into one sentence.
9/ Section 8.6, after the three
What is "start time"? Response time to the request of an
audiovisual content?
yes, it is.
10/ Section 9, 2)
Add some
more descriptions, "control" is necessary in any type of
avod applications
as far as "on demand" is involved.
Change " control" to "
11/ Section 11.2, 1st sentence
It looks we are comparing
the two different categories; provider (SP
stands for Service Provider) and
system (videoconference system). It
is not a surprise if they are quite
different in functions.กก
Delete the first paragraph.กก