Hello Tom, References are included in Annex C and the text at the start says that the reference is the normative text. I personally would envision that most changes to codepoints would be contained in packages. ie. if we use packages for defining properties then we align the text and binary encodings of H248. That way we don't need to continuously update SDP and Annex C to match. Regards, Christian Tom-PT Taylor wrote:
H.248 Annex C is by concept derivative in nature -- it provides the means to reuse codepoints from a variety of other standards. As it currently stands, it reproduces these codepoints in the "Value" column. I am concerned that this could present a maintenance nightmare. It would make more sense to point the user to the specific reference in the other standard and leave it at that.
Tom Taylor Phone and FAX: +1 613 736 0961 E-mail: taylor@nortelnetworks.com
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