Dear experts of ITU-T SG16 Questions 12, 13, 21 and 22/16, Please be advised that the meeting notice and an initial timetable are available at the avc-site: http://ftp3.itu.int/av-arch/avc-site/2005-2008/0709_Gen/Notice_0709_Gen_0707... http://ftp3.itu.int/av-arch/avc-site/2005-2008/0709_Gen/Draft_plan_0709_Gen_... -- Best regards, OKUBO Sakae e-mail: okubo@aoni.waseda.jp Visiting Professor Global Information and Telecommunication Institute (GITI) Waseda University ****************************************************************** Waseda University, YRP Ichibankan 312 Tel: +81 46 847 5406 3-4 Hikarinooka, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken Fax: +81 46 847 5413 239-0847 Japan H.323 videoconferencing: arranged by advice ******************************************************************