We plan to have network access for all attendees, so would encourage attendees to work in a paperless mode. In addition, we do not plan to reproduce paper documents. So far, I've seen about 50 registrations for the meeting. We use the registrations to help plan the meeting, for example to supply enough network gear. So, please register if you plan to attend. Glen Karl.Klaghofer@ICN.SIEMENS.DE wrote:
The meeting notice states "bring 80 copies of your document to Red Bank if it should be in hardcopy".
Is there a clear rule whether hard copies are required at the meeting or not ?
Remark: 80 copies of voluminous contributions (e.g. updated draft standards) is a lot of pounds !
Thanks, Karl Klaghofer
------------------------------------------------ Karl Klaghofer, Siemens AG, Dpmt. ICN IB NL D1 Hofmannstr. 51, D-81359 Munich, Germany Tel.: +49 89 722 31488, Fax.: +49 89 722 37629 e-mail: karl.klaghofer@icn.siemens.de
-- Glen Freundlich ggf@lucent.com Lucent Technologies office: +1 303 538 2899 11900 N. Pecos fax: +1 303 538 3907 Westminster, Colorado 80234 USA