My comments below. vineet
-----Original Message----- From: WanJiun Liao [SMTP:wjliao@EEE.HKU.HK] Sent: Thursday, August 20, 1998 9:13 PM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: Q. about master/slave determination in H.245
Hi.. I have some questions about master/slave determination in H.245. Perhpas these questions are stupid... but could you please kindly give me some help?
With H.245, we need to do master/slave determination to resolve conflicts between two endpoints which can be the MC in a conference.
(1) If there is no MC is active and all entities are of different types, the priority to win the master/slave determination is MCU > Gatkeeper > Gateway > terminal. THis means. e.g., with Gatekeeper and terminal, Gatekeeper always wins the determination? then why bothering to set "statusDeterminationNumber" to be a random no. in that certain range? [Kumar, Vineet] At the time of master/slave determination, the entities do not know the "terminalType" of each other.
or only when those entities are all in the same type, then such setting just makes sense? i.e., "terminalType" overrules "statusDeterminationNumber" ??
(2) An MC that is already acting as an MC shall always remian the active MC. However, assume that there are only terminals participating in a conference, what if a terminal that won the determination already decides to leave the conference at some time during the call? Should we need to perform such master/slave determination again?, or the terminal can assign the other to be an active MC?, or the terminal by no means can not leave the conference in the middle of the call? [Kumar, Vineet] It is assumed that the MC will not leave the conference. It is does, then the conference ends.
Please advise... thanks a lot..
Best regards,
Wanjiun Liao