Looks good to me.
-----Original Message----- From: Paul Long [mailto:Plong@SMITHMICRO.COM] Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 8:50 PM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: Re: On TD26 - Fast TCS and M/S negotiation in H.323v4
While you're at it, I would like to propose these (hopefully) uncontroversial corrections and a clarification to TD-26a. Here are my recommendations.
1. However rare, an EP may have a valid reason to reject TCS or MSD. Therefore, we cannot require that the called EP always respond with TCSAck and MSDAck. Replace this passage:
"... it shall include the fastStart element and the h245Control element including both the TerminalCapabilitySetAck for the calling endpoint, the TerminalCapabilitySet for the called endpoint and the MasterSlaveDeterminationAck in the same H.225.0 message."
with this:
"... it shall encode the fastStart element and the h245Control element in the same call-signalling message. This h245Control element shall contain the TerminalCapabilitySet for the called endpoint and the called endpoint's responses to the calling endpoint's TerminalCapabilitySet and MasterSlaveDetermination."
2. Likewise, replace this:
"If the h245Control element with the TerminalCapabilitySetAck for the calling endpoint, the TerminalCapabilitySet for the called endpoint and MasterSlaveDeterminationAck are not received in the same message as fastStart (e.g., because the called endpoint is pre-H.323v4), the fast start procedures shall be completed, but not the Terminal Capability Set negotiation and the Master/Slave Determination procedures."
with this:
"If the h245Control element with the called endpoint's TerminalCapabilitySet and the called endpoint's responses to the calling endpoint's TerminalCapabilitySet and MasterSlaveDetermination are not received in the same message as fastStart (e.g., because the called endpoint is pre-H.323v4), the fast start procedures shall be completed, but not the Terminal Capability Set negotiation and the Master/Slave Determination procedures."
3. It's not a big deal, but I'd like to make the disposition of the MSD and TCS procedures clearer by adding this to the end of the above sentence:
", as if they had never been initiated by the calling endpoint"
Paul Long Smith Micro Software, Inc. "Primum non nocere"
-----Original Message----- From: Paul E. Jones [mailto:paulej@PACKETIZER.COM] Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 2:59 AM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: Re: On TD26 - Fast TCS and M/S negotiation in H.323v4
I suspect that TD-26 has the procedural issues addressed-- it will just be a matter of specifying the usage of a different field.
I'll have to review what is written there, but the most obvious way to prevent race conditions is to specify that channels may not be opened via H.245 until Fast Connect is accepted, explicitly refused, or implicitly refused by not receiving a fastStart element up to and including CONNECT.
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