As I said plenty of times before, 99% of the complexity of a telephone call placed using H.323 is due to H.323 itself. The overhead is in terms of complexity of the processing. In terms of the overhead related to packets transmission, it is RTP encapsulation which is causing a lot of overhead. -=Francois=- On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Christopher Iles wrote:
Hi all
Would someone know the % of overhead in H.323 & H.320
Thanks for any help you can provide
Chris Christopher Iles Senior Technologist COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH CENTER e-mail: christopher.iles@crc.ca 3701 Carling Ave Tel office: 613 998 2734 Ottawa, Ont. K2H 8S2 Ops Room : 613 998 2374 ATTN: BLDG 46