Re: [h323plus] [Opalvoip-devel] error H.263

Craig I missed this...Wow! Sorry I must of missed typed. Sorry openh323. H323plus uses much of the same code base and front end api ie H323EndPoint::OpenVideoChannel (which was the context of the comment) etc as openh323. Existing OpenH323 applications like YATE and GnuGk still work with h323plus. Opal interface has evolved differently over time. It is true h323plus plugin video api has its roots in Opal which were ported over a few years ago. For sometime after that the api's were identical which I helped maintain but things deviated over time. It happens. There was no malice or inference intended. Don't think for one minute I'm claiming anything over anything. In 2007 a decision was made that forced a split in the develop paths (and ultimate demise) of OpenH323. A group of developers went a different path and few chose another direction. We all come from the same origins. OpenH323... Sorry Craig if there was any claim or inference it was not intended. You kept OpenH323 alive for many years and both communities should be very thankful of the tremendous effort you put in sometimes in the most difficult of circumstances I'm certainly am sorry for my poor judgment in wording offended. Simon -----Original Message----- From: Craig Southeren [] Sent: 24 February 2011 13:05 To: Simon Horne Cc: 'Jan Willamowius';; Subject: Re: [Opalvoip-devel] error H.263 On 22/02/2011 8:38 PM, Simon Horne wrote: ..deleted
The architecture of Opal has deviated a lot from its h323plus roots
..deleted As Simon knows full well, Opal has no roots in H323plus. Opal and H323Plus both derive from OpenH323. Any claims to the contrary are a mistake or flamebait. On the subject of video plugins, Opal had video plugins before either OpenH323 or H323Plus. I know this because I wrote the code in Opal to support a customer who paid for it. The H323Plus developers chose to make their video plugins similar to Opal, but not the same. I imagine this is because they chose their own development path from the original OpenH323 code base, rather deriving from the already extant Opal design. In any case, the video codec plugin work in H323Plus appeared after the corresponding Opal code had already been deployed, so any claim that Opal was derived from H323Plus even in this specific area are not supported by the evidence. Craig -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Craig Southeren Post Increment - VoIP Consulting and Software Phone: +61 243654666 ICQ: #86852844 Fax: +61 243656905 MSN: Mobile: +61 417231046 Jabber: "Science is the poetry of reality." Richard Dawkins
participants (1)
Simon Horne