Re: [h323plus] Multicast

Thanks for your input Marcos. I have already looked at OpenMCU but it seems to be too different from what is required for a decentralised conference. As I recall, the signalling involved in OpenMCU is the default behaviour of the base classes for the most part. It wasn't clear to me how to change the signalling to identify distributed multicast but I'm still researching this. But the biggest question I have is how difficult it will be to add multicast capability to the library. Is it as simple as joining a multicast group if the network address is a multicast address and having everything else basically just work (same code to send/receive on an established multicast socket as for a UDP unicast socket) or is there more to it than that... maybe some additional management associated with H.323/H.245/H225.0/???? under this circumstance? So nobody else can provide any pointers/opinions? Troy. On Wed, 2008-08-20 at 09:26 -0300, Marcos Fábio Jardini wrote:
Hi Troy
Try see " - Multiplexed Stream Transmission" for some hint
In your case each endpoint must act as a MCU, what is need is to investigate the recomendations and see if more than one of end-point can signal herselfs as MCU capanility
See the OpenMCU implementation as the begining point of how implement the mcu capable signaling.
Another good point is our CVS ( there you can see other reference implementations, like NAT/Firewall Traversal etc.
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2008/8/18 Junk-Mail Wastebasket <> Greetings H323Plus devs.
I have need of an ability to support a conference where each end-point can/will manipulate the audio stream coming from every other end-point based on some data associated with each end-point. To me, it seems like each end-point should multicast the audio stream and possibly the data that each other end-point will use to modify the audio stream. Each end-point should listen for multicasts associated with the conference and modify and mix the streams as required based on the data. From my internet searches, this seems to be more or less the classic decentralised/distributed multipoint conference.
I have attempted to search the mailing list archives and code for how to do this with H323 Plus and have found that the capability appears to be lacking. Although I am willing to work on developing this capability, I am far from expert on H323 (Plus or otherwise) or VoIP and would need some strong pointers from those of you who are expert. I would appreciate some input on how best to proceed to get the functionality for which I'm looking.
Your suggestions would be most welcome,
-- ----- Jogue RPG, alimente o lado criativo!
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