Hi all: I'm trying to migrate an small test project that used OpenH323/PWLIB to H323Plus/PTLib. In that project, I've the following lines of code: H323Capability *h263Cap = new H323_RFC2190_H263Capability(0, 2, 0, 0, 0, videoMaxbandwidth*1024/100/*, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE*/); h263Cap->SetCapabilityDirection(H323Capability::e_ReceiveAndTransmit); SetCapability(0, P_MAX_INDEX, h263Cap); I've seen that the class H323_RFC2190_H263Capability does not exists anymore. My question is: what is the new mechanism to specify a max bandwidth for the H.263 capability, in order to be used in codec negotiation? Also, I 've code that looks like this: unsigned int maxBitRate = (((H323_RFC2190_H263Capability*)capability)->GetMaxBitRate()*100)/1024; in the Transmit() method of the H323SenderChannel derived class. Is there any way of getting the negotiated MaxBitRate for the H263 codec? Thank you in advance,
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