unavailable H.264 plugin and missing H.263 CIF4/16 capabilities

Hello Simon, few days ago, you told us you confirm, that H.264 works (with h.239) for H323plus project. I was able to compile x264, ffmpeg and the plugin itself, however, when I put it into correct directory with all the dll files, none of the example applications can see it (but they see for example h261vic plugin located in the same directory as h264 plugin). I also tried to use trace (with application 'simple') and I see that capabilities are loaded, but not the H.264. MSVC says for debug version of myphonet, that the symbols from h264 dll were loaded and dll is in use (did not say what symbols). Hence I'd like to ask you - the file plugin-config.h which is located in two directory above H.264 project (as plugin-config.h.in) was changed to proper header file by ./configure command or you changed (created) it by hand ?(for windows) (my suspicion is, that symbols are not properly exported from the dll, but I don't know how to verify it) - are you aware of any reason why properly compiled h.264 dll and helper would not work with recent h323plus and ptlib ? I'm obviously missing something and I really would like to make it run (with h323plus for start and in the end with OPAL) To all, yes, you were right, the H.263 distortions and damage I saw are "problem" of OPAL, since h323plus myphone2 has no problem with it and I can see nice H.263 CIF picture. However, and this is true for opal and h323 plus, I'm unable to use higher resolutions e.g. CIF4, CIF16 and the custom one (capability for it is missing). So I'd like to ask : - is h323plus or OPAL capable of CIF4 and CIF16 with given codec(s) 263/264? (e.g. without necessity to drastically change the code), if so, could you, please, point me to any hint how to make it run (lines of code with comment, anything) - when we can expect OPAL will transform the h.263 and h.264 to it's plugin format ? (I would do it by myself, but first I have to see it running with h323plus, so I get time to look at the plugin format of opal and how to do it - unless some good soul wont outrun me) Many thanks ! Best regards, Vladimir Fekete

One note : I found out a command dumpbin, so now I see, that exported symbols are : h264_ptplugin.dll OpalCodecPlugin_GetCodecs PWLibPlugin_GetAPIVersion libx264-114.dll 828 functions exported... and when I tried to use it on ffmpeg libraries, the link.exe crashed (I'm not sure, whether it points out that ffmpeg was not build correctly or not). anyway, at least concerning the h264plugin, symbols seems to be exported correctly so I would expect i should see the capability (or at least a crash would be nice, so I know it does something) V.

Hello all, partial success - I have found the proper part of the code, which led me to solution of my problem, so now I can see H.264 in myphone, openam in the list of capabilities and also in OpenPhone and from OPAL projects, now I have to make it run... (since when I try to use it, it crash the application). Best regards, Vladimir Fekete P.S. an interesting by-product of this is, that capability H.263-720 popped up (e.g. the 720), it does not work however :-)

Vladimir Sorry for the delay in replying. X264 is definitely a moving target and I'm happy with v102 and it works quite well. I would suggest doing a CVS update and compile debug version of the X264_helper. I've removed the visual studio debug dependencies and I've had pretty good success with that. If that does not work I would try earlier iterations of X264. Simon From: Vladimir Fekete [mailto:vladko.fekete@gmail.com] Sent: 18 February 2011 01:37 To: Simon Horne Cc: opalvoip-devel@lists.sourceforge.net; h323plus@lists.packetizer.com Subject: Re: unavailable H.264 plugin and missing H.263 CIF4/16 capabilities One note : I found out a command dumpbin, so now I see, that exported symbols are : h264_ptplugin.dll OpalCodecPlugin_GetCodecs PWLibPlugin_GetAPIVersion libx264-114.dll 828 functions exported... and when I tried to use it on ffmpeg libraries, the link.exe crashed (I'm not sure, whether it points out that ffmpeg was not build correctly or not). anyway, at least concerning the h264plugin, symbols seems to be exported correctly so I would expect i should see the capability (or at least a crash would be nice, so I know it does something) V.

Hello Simon, all, thank you very much for the hint. It looks that with 102 it works (finally) \o/. I'm soo happyyyy :-) It works for sure between H323Plus based applications. I also tried OpenPhone and it looks it works too. I was digging in the h264 plugin and uncommented lines for 4CIF and 1080P, so I have a plan to test them aswell (since - as I saw in MyPhone, the QCIF and CIF support is hardcoded and one has to add there higher resolution). I hope I get this running with OPAL with all possible resolutions. I have a plan to put somwhere step-by-step guide for windows 7/mingw platform and I post here link (as I did before : feynman.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk/~fekete/opalwith my unsuccessful tries around h263) once I get it running. I used trunk for h323plus, ptlib, ffmpeg and for x264 version 102 (revision 293b47bc2c52abe5143913ef3d126e6170edaf5c) to make it run for h323+. Best regards, Vladimir On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 12:59 PM, Simon Horne <s.horne@packetizer.com>wrote:
Sorry for the delay in replying.
X264 is definitely a moving target and I’m happy with v102 and it works quite well.
I would suggest doing a CVS update and compile debug version of the X264_helper. I’ve removed the visual studio debug dependencies and I’ve had pretty good success with that.
If that does not work I would try earlier iterations of X264.
*From:* Vladimir Fekete [mailto:vladko.fekete@gmail.com] *Sent:* 18 February 2011 01:37 *To:* Simon Horne *Cc:* opalvoip-devel@lists.sourceforge.net; h323plus@lists.packetizer.com *Subject:* Re: unavailable H.264 plugin and missing H.263 CIF4/16 capabilities
One note : I found out a command dumpbin, so now I see, that exported symbols are :
828 functions exported...
and when I tried to use it on ffmpeg libraries, the link.exe crashed (I'm not sure, whether it points out that ffmpeg was not build correctly or not).
anyway, at least concerning the h264plugin, symbols seems to be exported correctly so I would expect i should see the capability (or at least a crash would be nice, so I know it does something)

Hello all, I'd like to confirm, that I successfully tested H.264 with modes CIF, CIF4, i1080 and p720 between "simple.exe" application based on h323plus library and OpenPhone version 3.8.2 based on OPAL library. Thank you all for help to make it run ! (I just had to change simpleplus project to accept modes above CIF (and I borrowed pvideoutputdevice_yuv from openam) and it works like a charm without problems (aka it is stable)). Best regards, Vladimir Fekete
participants (2)
Simon Horne
Vladimir Fekete