Myphone2 (Please help to we solve only this problem)

Hi Sir. We copy the Dll files ( h261 and h263 ) in the MyPhone program root, then the execution file is run correctly. But when we trace th my phone program, we have a problem in "PVideoInputDevice_VideoForWindows::Open" method, When run this method with trace line by line and we recived to "threadStarted.Wait();" and in this function when recive to "WaitForSingleObjectEx(handle, INFINITE,AssResult);" it show a memory error; I attached a picture of this error and thread status. Please help us to solve this problem too. I am in wait to have your suggestion in any way. Best regards. Zahra Dehghanian. Get your new Email address! Grab the Email name you've always wanted before someone else does!
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ZAHRA dehghanianfard