I've been testing the 1.2.2 version of h323plus since last friday and got some H.263 problems. On the testing lab we have a quad-core xeon dell poweredge server running ubuntu 10.04. I installed from ubuntu repositories some system dependencies like ffmpeg, ffmpeg-devel (0.52), libx264, libx264-devel (85), libxvidcore4, libxvidcore-dev, libtheora, etc. From libopalvoip sourceforge files i got ptlib 2.66. From h323plus sourceforge cvs repo, got h323plus and applications. I compiled ptlib, set the PTLIBDIR env variable. Then i compiled h323plus and plugins and set the respective env variables too. Then i compiled openmcu. I run openmcu with loglevel 4 or 5, and i can see all the audio/video codec plugins loading. Focusing on the H263 codec testing, i remove h261 and h264 plugins. Running openmcu only with h263 plugin, i can connect polycom vpx an pacphone endpoints at a openmcu conference room with audio and video support. Audio G711ALaw and H263 CIF video. When i connect the polycom VSX 7000, the openmcu seems like sending/receiving network traffic, but the VSX 7000 show 0K/s on video receve rate on call statistics screen. At the other side, on Polycom PVX software, i can see the video incomming from vsx 7000. Im doing something wrong? There is some polycom configuration that i forgot? Im testing with some Polycom VSX 7000A, VSX 7000A(128) and Polycom VSX 5000 with 8.03, 8.53 and 8.71 firmware versions. Is that a plugin/codec or unexpected header issue? Pablo
participants (1)
Pablo Sotomayor