Thanks Simon for your prompt response.

Having tested the code as suggested, it seems that the bit rate still remains at 327kbps for the h.263 codec after i attempted to set it to 128kbps.

Is it possible that because this version of ptlib (2.8.5) does not support flow control, changing the bit rate will not take affect?

I traced the SetMaxBitRate function, and it was called by the descendant class in plugin, which is correct, which in turn looks as follows;

PBoolean H323PluginVideoCodec::SetMaxBitRate(unsigned bitRate) 
    if (SetFlowControl(codec,context,mediaFormat,bitRate/100)) {
         frameWidth = mediaFormat.GetOptionInteger(OpalVideoFormat::FrameWidthOption);
         frameHeight =  mediaFormat.GetOptionInteger(OpalVideoFormat::FrameHeightOption);
         targetFrameTimeMs = mediaFormat.GetOptionInteger(OpalVideoFormat::FrameTimeOption);
         return true;
    return false;

the SetFlowControl always returns false with the following message;

 - > "No Flow Control supported in codec"

Any ideas or other suggestions you may provide will be greatly appreciated.



On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Simon Horne <> wrote:

Unfortunately the OpenVideoChannel is called after the H.245 TCS stage so
you cannot use it to negotiate a bandwidth limit for a call.

To set the Initial Bandwidth limit in the TCS there is a callback which is
called when building.
H323EndPoint::OnSetInitialBandwidth(H323VideoCodec * codec);

So you could do something like this in your code

void MyH323EndPoint::OnSetInitialBandwidth(H323VideoCodec * codec)
       unsigned bitrate = <your rate in kbps> * 1000;
       if ((bitrate != 0) && (codec->GetMediaFormat().GetBandwidth() >
bitrate)) {
               PTRACE(4,"My\tAdjusting maximum video bitrate to " <<

During a call the bitrate may change via FlowControl requests but will not
exceed the value you set in this callback.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of J C Mercier
Sent: 25 November 2011 05:08
Subject: [h323plus] Changing video codec transmit bit rate

Hi all,

How would one go about adjusting the video codec max transmission bit rate?

I understand thus can be done in OpenVideoChannel by calling
codec.SetMaxBitRate but I I get  no flow control supported when I attempted
to do so.

I am using v 1.23 for H323plus downloaded from and pitlib v
2.8.5. I noticed that flow control is not supported in ptlib less than 2.9
but would there be another way of changing the bit rate?


Josh C.