Hi, One of the emerging standards that attracts me is H.presence - and I see from the 1.20.2 distribution of h323plus that the recent draft of AVD-3293 is included. However, whilst the code stubs are built by the parser, those stubs don't appear to be included when building the h323plus library. Adding their inclusion to src/Makefile in the H323_H460 section and rebuilding fails with what appear to be fundamental errors (copied at http://pastebin.ca/911251). Have I missed something obvious? I'm trying to build in an Ubuntu 7.10 environment with g++ 4.1.3. Also, I note that the stubs present in CVS under /extensions/h460/h460.presence are different from those bundled in h323lib-proper. Is there some magic documented somewhere that would enable me to build the testapp under the extensions tree? Sorry if this is all a bit "n00b"-like -- I'm new to h323plus. Feel free to kick me towards a readme somewhere that I most likely have missed! Thanks in advance for any input you can offer, Mark. -- "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members" - Groucho