Just to clarify This is limited to implementing H323_ExternalRTPChannel and using an external RTP stack and not to the default H323plus behavior. I have checked in a fix in the CVS that should resolve the issue. Simon From: h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com [mailto:h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com] On Behalf Of Ankur Deep Jaiswal Sent: 26 February 2014 21:05 To: h323plus@lists.packetizer.com Subject: [h323plus] OLC requests missing some information Hi, In The OLC for H.264 (generic and extended). in multiplexparameters:h225logicalchannelparameters h323plus does not supply dynamicRTPPalyoadType and mediaPacketization:rtpPayloadtype due to this some clients refuse to display video , if these parameters are not present. any idea on how to implement these. Help appreciated. -- Ankur Deep Jaiswal