It happens on the same computer? I have such behaviour (low fps and wrong driver name) when I have no native drivers installed. 2010/1/15 ooi khai chin <ooikhaichin@yahoo.com>
Hi All, Currently, I found that when I start the myphone2 application (compiled from myphone2 source code), the settings->device(settings dialog box) can not change to my own driver name, it show Microsoft WDM Image Capture <Win32>.
I run the myphone2 exe provided, it show me my own device is "Logitech QuickCamPro 4000".
If I used my own compiled version, It only show me the 10fps during conference with the other. While if I used the myphone2 exe provided(able show device "Logitech qucikCamPro 4000"). It can achieve 25-30fps. It happen for any video codec (H.261, H.263, H.264).
Anyone, What is the problem?
-- Игорь Павлов