FYI The updates will be included in H.323v8 Simon From: h323-announce-bounces@lists.packetizer.com [mailto:h323-announce-bounces@lists.packetizer.com] On Behalf Of Paul E. Jones Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2014 8:19 AM To: H.323 Announce List Subject: [h323-announce] H.323 Update Following the Sapporo Meeting <http://www.packetizer.com> Folks, The most recent ITU-T SG16 meeting was held in Sapporo, Japan 30 June - 11 July 2014. Perhaps most significant at this meeting relating to H.323 is the fact that we approved two new Recommendations related to Telepresence systems: * ITU-T Rec. F.734, "Definitions, requirements, and use cases for Telepresence Systems" * ITU-T Rec. H.420, "Telepresence System Architecture" Progress was also made on revisions to each of the core H.323 Recommendations, namely H.323, H.225.0, and H.245. Some of the enhancements introduced are to support Telepresence systems, including the CLUE signaling channel. Support for the WebRTC Data Channel was also introduced in H.245. Of course, the work on Telepresence and WebRTC support is not complete, but progress is being made. We also adopted baseline text for the end-to-end Session Identifier, which is work that was initiated a few years ago. The work is being progressed in both the IETF and ITU in parallel, with the IETF work nearing completion. This work will allow for the identification of a communication session end-to-end from the point of origin to the point of termination, even if the call is carried over a mixture of H.323 and SIP networks. I have updated the document status page here: http://www.packetizer.com/ipmc/h323/doc_status.html. This shows the current status of the various H.323-related work items in ITU-T SG16. Best regards, Paul E. Jones http://paulej.com/