Guys I just realized that the ASN.1 parsed classes are there for the text messaging feature but the actual source code for the H.460 implementation was missing. I have just added the implementation into the CVS. It is disabled by default. You will need to manually enable with the command line switch –enable-h460im to compile it in. Functions H323EndPoint::EnableIM() to enable the feature for calls H323EndPoint::IMMakeCall() to make a text message call only ( without audio or video). H323EndPoint::IMSend() to send a message H323EndPoint::IMReceived() is called when a message is received. Class it as experimental and if you find any bugs let us know. Simon From: h323plus [mailto:h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com] On Behalf Of Paul E. Jones Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 8:37 AM To: Leonardo Nahra <leonardonahra@gmail.com>; h323plus@lists.packetizer.com Subject: Re: [h323plus] h323plus text messaging Leonardo, As Jan answered separately, there is no standard way for sending text messages. This has been discussed many times, with the most recent proposal being this one: <http://www.h323forum.org/specifications/> http://www.h323forum.org/specifications/ ("Text Messaging within H.323 Systems") Sending text via H.323 is simple to do, but nobody could agree on a standard, because there were always a lot of requirements that went with it, including presence capabilities. To be able to fully provide a solution, one would need to re-invent XMPP, basically. So, it just never happened. Still, the question keeps recurring. One has to think that maybe, it's better to have something than nothing. Paul ------ Original Message ------ From: "Leonardo Nahra" < <mailto:leonardonahra@gmail.com> leonardonahra@gmail.com> To: <mailto:h323plus@lists.packetizer.com> h323plus@lists.packetizer.com Sent: 2/26/2016 10:27:25 AM Subject: [h323plus] h323plus text messaging Hello, I'm working on a conference project,and we will use the H.323 protocol to establish a connection between monitors, so they can exchange information about configuration options of the video stream they'll receive. So, once a call is established, in addition of exchanging video and audio (that we already have implemented apart), configuration options need to be sent in text format back and forth. Searching through h323plus I couldn't find a way to send text in a call, can you give me some pointers on how to accomplish that? Thanks, Nahra.