Enable environmental variable PTLIB_TRACE_CODECS=4 When running simple you will be able see the directories the plugin searches for the X264 helper. The helper should be compiled with the x264 plugin. Simon From: h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com [mailto:h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com] On Behalf Of Ashwani Kumar Sent: 10 November 2011 16:20 To: h323plus@lists.packetizer.com Subject: [h323plus] ERROR: H.264 plugin couldn't find GPL process executable: h264_video_pwplugin_helper Hi All, I have complied H323 plus on my x86 platform running ubuntu 10.04. When I am using simph323 application to make audio & video call, application getting hang. below is the last lines of log message: Receiving side: Waiting for incoming calls for "ashwani" Press X to exit. H323> ERROR: H.264 plugin couldn't find GPL process executable: h264_video_pwplugin_helper Incoming call from "caller []", answer call (Y/n)? Y Started logical channel: sending G.711-ALaw-64k <1> Started logical channel: receiving G.711-ALaw-64k <1> Sending side: Initiating call to "ashwani@" Press X to exit. H323> ERROR: H.264 plugin couldn't find GPL process executable: h264_video_pwplugin_helper "ashwani" did not answer your call please find pointer to solve the problem. Thanks in Advance Ashwani