
          I am using simph323 application (i.e running two instances one as caller and the other as listener) and able to transfer only "Audio".
Is it possible to transfer "Video" and "Data" also using simph323 application and if so how to give the command line options for the 2 instances (i.e caller and listener)
Or else can anybody suggest me if there is any better application/example to transfer Audio,Video and Data simultaneously.

Abdul Moiz

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 3:41 AM, Simon Horne <s.horne@packetizer.com> wrote:

Abdul Moiz


There are no specific ALSA examples.

However there are a number of same applications contained in the Applications download from the website.




From: ABDUL MOIZ [mailto:abdulmoiz786@gmail.com]
Sent: 01 November 2011 12:39
To: Simon Horne
Subject: Re: [h323plus] Need help to run oh323tut application using ALSA


Hi simon,
         Thanks for your response.

    I am a beginner in this field.
I am looking for sample examples/applications which establishes H.323 call and tranfers video,audio and data across 2 systems.
Can you please tell me where can I find the latest sample applications (for Video,Audio and Data) or the related information/document for development of such applications

Abdul Moiz

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 8:34 PM, Simon Horne <s.horne@packetizer.com> wrote:

Abdul Moiz

Oh323tut is getting quite old but here are some tips to get and set the
Audio Driver and Device Name    

Get the drivers
PStringArray names = PSoundChannel::GetDriverNames();

Get the devices
PString DefaultAudioDriver = names[0];
PStringArray playDevices =
PStringArray recDevices =

Enumerate the devices
for (PINDEX i = 0; i < playDevices.GetSize(); i++) {
       cout << playDevices[i] << endl;

To set the driver call these functions
PBoolean H323EndPoint::SetSoundChannelPlayDriver(const PString & name)
PBoolean H323EndPoint::SetSoundChannelRecordDriver(const PString & name)

To set the device call these functions
PBoolean H323EndPoint::SetSoundChannelPlayDevice(const PString & name)
PBoolean H323EndPoint::SetSoundChannelRecordDevice(const PString & name)


From: h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com
[mailto:h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com] On Behalf Of ABDUL MOIZ
Sent: 28 October 2011 17:15
To: h323plus@lists.packetizer.com
Subject: [h323plus] Need help to run oh323tut application using ALSA


        I have downloaded the source code of "h323plus core"(version:1.23.0)
and "PTlib"(version:2.10.1) from the link:


     on my X86 Desktop system running ubuntu 10.04

   I have followed the tutorial given at link


   I am able to compile both the source codes without any problems.

  Then I have downloaded and compiled "oh323tut" (version 1.1-1) source code
from the link below:


  I have got simph323 installed on my system using

  $ sudo apt-get install simph323

 Now when I try to run oh323tut application and simph323 application (in
separete terminals) using the commands below:

$ ./oh323tut -f audio.wav -n -u 320
$ simph323 -n -u 321 320@

   I am getting the following problem:

 H323> Could not open sound device Default - Check permissions or full
duplex capability.

  Can anybody please help to  solve the above problem.
