Hi Mark, while fastStart allows media connections to be established before and without the H.245 exchange, H.245 is still mandatory in a H.323 call. Regards, Jan -- Jan Willamowius, Founder of the GNU Gatekeeper Project EMail : jan@willamowius.de Website: http://www.gnugk.org Support: http://www.willamowius.com/gnugk-support.html Mark Fawcett wrote:
I am making an outgoing call from h323plus to an SJPhone endpoint using fast-start. All seems well, the h323plus sends the setup message with fs (specifying g711alaw) and the remote end responds with callProceeding / alerting / connect. The connect message contains a fast-start OLC itself and all is good. However, the h323plus stack then issues TCS and MSD messages. We are being asked if these can be stopped (my understanding is that Fast-Start allows for connectivity to be made with just the setup & connect messages)?
Many thanks for your time.
Mark Fawcett Managing Director +44 (0)7976 240171 (M) +44 (0)8454 336886 (x1001) (L) www.noakesltd.co.uk
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