Hi Craig, I read your comment for the PIPSocket::Address::AsString fix and you missed one thing. Even if IPv6 is enabled, getnameinfo is used only for IPv6 addresses (and not also for IPv4, as it should be) due to if (version == 6) check. Another issue is that getnameinfo fails on BSD (and maybe some other) systems with EAI_FAIL if sa_len field of sockaddr is not initialized with a proper structure length. I saw that other projects (like PostgreSQL) check for the sockaddr.sa_len field presence in the configure script and initialize it with a proper value. We could do the same inside Psockaddr class. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Craig Southeren" <craigs@postincrement.com> To: "GNU Gatekeeper Developer" <openh323gk-developer@lists.sourceforge.net> Cc: <h323plus@lists.packetizer.com>; <Opalvoip-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>; "'Discussion on enhancements and development issues with the OpenH323library'" <openh323-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>; "Robert Jongbloed" <robert.jongbloed@bigpond.com> Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2007 11:28 AM Subject: [Openh323gk-developer] Outstanding Ptlib problems (was opalvoip vsh323plus) Zygmuntowicz Michal wrote:
There are still at least 2 open bugs on the PWLib tracker that I submitted - PConfig problem with file contents caching and (recently committed) PIPSocket::Address::AsString threading issues. There are also some BSD issues with sockaddr structures - some systems require an additional field ss_len and/or sa_len to be initialized for sockaddr_storage and/or sockaddr_in.
I've just checked, and I am not getting email alerts from the OpenH323 bug tracker even though I get them just fine from the patch tracker. So, please accept my apologies for the delay in getting these issues addressed. I will look at them immediately Craig ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Craig Southeren Post Increment – VoIP Consulting and Software craigs@postincrement.com.au www.postincrement.com.au Phone: +61 243654666 ICQ: #86852844 Fax: +61 243656905 MSN: craig_southeren@hotmail.com Mobile: +61 417231046 Jabber: craigs@jabber.org "Science is the poetry of reality." Richard Dawkins