Thanks Simon H323Plus now compiled, as well plugins, openmcu and simpleplus. But found few runtime errors: Plugins are compiled with suffix '_pwlib'. If you put the plugins on folder PTLIB_PLUGINS or env:PTLIBPLUGINDIR they are not found. If renamed to sufix '_ptlib' they are found. With the original suffix ('_pwlib') they *must* be put on PWLIB_PLUGINS or env:PWLIBPLUGINDIR for be found. Simpleplus crash on start webcam, an old behavior I already found on previous versions of the same project. The problem is in SimpleH323EndPoint::OpenVideoChannel (main.cxx:799) when isEncoding=TRUE. Te code below: //============================================================= if (!device->SetFrameSize(codec.GetWidth(), codec.GetHeight()) || !device->SetColourFormatConverter("YUV420P") || !device->Open(deviceName, TRUE)) { PTRACE(1, "Failed to open or configure the video device \"" << deviceName << '"'); //============================================================= Throws a NULL Pointer Exception in PVideoInputDevice_DirectShow::SetAllParameters (vidinput_directx.cxx:497) because member 'm_pCapture' is not yet initialized. I remember old openh323 files/logs that say all the windows implementation use late-bind. Splitting the 'if' clause and put device->Open(deviceName, FALSE) first and device->Start() at end (after the resolution and color changes) fix the problem. After fixing above problem the video start with green-red interlaced. I know this behavior too, from old interaction with old'OpenH323. Is related to misallign memory access on color converter YUV420P or size converter. The calculus to read U and V buffers overlaps if i'm remembered. I'll try re-find the code. Regards. Eng. Marcos F. Jardini PS. I'll try put a screenshot on google and send a link to you see the effect on video. 2009/8/26 Simon Horne <>:
The Fix for compiling without SSL support (H.460.24A disabled) as been checked into CVS
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Marcos Fábio Jardini Sent: Wednesday, 26 August 2009 5:39 AM To: h323plus Subject: Re: [h323plus] Compiling H323Plus 1.22 CVS Trunk, Visual Studio 2008
The version tested of PTLib trunk is 2.7.1, not 2.6.
2009/8/25 Marcos Fábio Jardini <>:
Hello people
Reporting back:
* PTLib 2.6 (SVN Trunk): All compile fine and now DirectShow and Application properly works on projects outside PTLib_samples_2008.sln
* H323Plus 1.22 (CVS Trunk): H46018_h225.h Error
"H46019UDPSocket::GetLocalAddress" makes access to members "m_locAddr" and "m_locPort" but the two members are guarded by macro H323_H46024A and the method not.
Solution (?): put "H46019UDPSocket::GetLocalAddress" under H323_H46024A macro guardian like "[Get/Set]AlternateAddresses" ?
-- ----- Jogue RPG, alimente o lado criativo!
-- ----- Jogue RPG, alimente o lado criativo!
-- ----- Jogue RPG, alimente o lado criativo!