Your support solved my problem, now I can use t38modem 1.0.1 with H323. Thanks. Where can I get support for T38Modem to make it work with OPAL ? I DL "cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@openh323.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/openh323 co -D "5/21/2007 23:59:59" opal" but with no positive result... I can run configure only with: ./configure --disable-versioncheck --enable-localspeex After I get a binary, t38modem it's looking for lib pwlib 1.12... with now is 2.0.1 :) Renameing 2.0.1 lib to 1.12, won't help... At 15:21 02-04-08, you wrote:
You have more choices:
1. Add your library location(s) into your /etc/ld.so.conf file and run ldconfig This will add new locations to the paths the system is looking for libraries.
2. run t38modem with this: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/h323plus/obj_linux_x86_r:/root/pwlib/obj_linux_x86_r .-t38modem or something like that.
3. move your library files into a proper location (e.g. /usr/lib/), maybe use make install under pwlib and h323plus directories