You have more choices: 1. Add your library location(s) into your /etc/ld.so.conf file and run ldconfig This will add new locations to the paths the system is looking for libraries. 2. run t38modem with this: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/h323plus/obj_linux_x86_r:/root/pwlib/obj_linux_x86_r .-t38modem or something like that. 3. move your library files into a proper location (e.g. /usr/lib/), maybe use make install under pwlib and h323plus directories T. forum írta:
That solved the problem of compilation... now it seems to be the same path problem :( -------------- root@core:~/t38modem/obj_linux_x86_r# OPENH323DIR=/root/h323plus root@core:~/t38modem/obj_linux_x86_r# export OPENH323DIR root@core:~/t38modem/obj_linux_x86_r# ./t38modem ./t38modem: error while loading shared libraries: libh323_linux_x86_r.so.1.20-alpha2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory root@core:~/t38modem/obj_linux_x86_r# --------------
At 14:50 02-04-08, Tamas wrote:
this seems to be a minor issue in the Makefile which can be avoided by defining the OPENH323DIR environment variable.
Try this: cd /root/t38modem OPENH323DIR=/root/h323plus make opt
(or mv /root/h323plus /root/openh323)
Regards, Tamas