Hi Francisco, thanks for the bug report! I've put the fix into the CVS. Regards, Jan -- Jan Willamowius, jan@willamowius.de, http://www.gnugk.org/ Francisco Olarte (M) wrote:
We've been working with and old version of openh233 which had a memory leak in H323GatekeeperServer::OnAdmission ( it was tested, we had call counters and noticed a call was leaked whenever we rejected it ).
We are now trying to switch to h323plus, and I've noticed the memory leak still is in place, so I've subscribed to report it.
The method in question is H323GatekeeperServer::OnAdmission. I've checked the issue in the last CVS version and it still persists.
Below is a copy of the method with the ( working in many millions calls across last months ) fix we are using in our code in the middle.
If it's neccessary I can try to make a patch, but I prefer to give this in context.
>>>>>>>>>>>> H323GatekeeperRequest::Response H323GatekeeperServer::OnAdmission(H323GatekeeperARQ & info) { PTRACE_BLOCK("H323GatekeeperServer::OnAdmission");
OpalGloballyUniqueID id = info.arq.m_callIdentifier.m_guid; if (id == NULL) { PTRACE(2, "RAS\tNo call identifier provided in ARQ!"); info.SetRejectReason(H225_AdmissionRejectReason::e_undefinedReason); return H323GatekeeperRequest::Reject; }
H323GatekeeperRequest::Response response;
PSafePtr<H323GatekeeperCall> oldCall = FindCall(id, info.arq.m_answerCall); if (oldCall != NULL) response = oldCall->OnAdmission(info); else { // If on restarted in thread, then don't create new call, should already // have had one created on the last pass through. if (!info.IsFastResponseRequired() && info.CanSendRIP()) { PTRACE(2, "RAS\tCall object disappeared after starting slow PDU handler thread!"); info.SetRejectReason(H225_AdmissionRejectReason::e_undefinedReason); return H323GatekeeperRequest::Reject; }
************************************************************ ***** Here newcall is allocated in a plain ptr. ************************************************************
H323GatekeeperCall * newCall = CreateCall(id, info.arq.m_answerCall ? H323GatekeeperCall::AnsweringCall : H323GatekeeperCall::OriginatingCall); PTRACE(3, "RAS\tCall created: " << *newCall);
response = newCall->OnAdmission(info);
************************************************************ ******* This tracks the new call inside the endpoint WHEN NOT REJECTED ************************************************************
if (response != H323GatekeeperRequest::Reject) { mutex.Wait();
info.endpoint->AddCall(newCall); oldCall = activeCalls.Append(newCall);
if (activeCalls.GetSize() > peakCalls) peakCalls = activeCalls.GetSize(); totalCalls++;
PTRACE(2, "RAS\tAdded new call (total=" << activeCalls.GetSize() << ") " << *newCall); mutex.Signal();
AddCall(oldCall); } } ************************************************************ ******* But call is leaked when rejected, we fixed it using: ************************************************************ else { PTRACE(2,"RAS\tDeleting rejected call: "<<*newCall); delete newCall; }
************************************************************ ***** ***** I've traced code path to my best and think newcall cannot ***** be deleted by onAdmission, and our code has not got any ***** double-delete, but we discovered this in final testing ***** and using a H323GatekeeperCall derived call class ( ***** which counts instances, that is how we discovered it ). ***** ****** End of comments/modifications. ************************************************************
#ifdef H323_H248 switch (response) { case H323GatekeeperRequest::Confirm : if (oldCall->AddCallCreditServiceControl(info.acf.m_serviceControl)) info.acf.IncludeOptionalField(H225_AdmissionConfirm::e_serviceControl); break;
case H323GatekeeperRequest::Reject : if (oldCall != NULL && oldCall->AddCallCreditServiceControl(info.arj.m_serviceControl)) info.arj.IncludeOptionalField(H225_AdmissionReject::e_serviceControl); break;
default : break; } #endif
return response; }
Regards. Francisco Olarte.