Hello, A couple of years ago the following paper was written by Craig Southeren about increasing the call capacity of OpenH323 & OPAL: http://www.voxgratia.org/docs/call%20thread%20handling%20model%201.0.pdf We could see in the release milestones of OpenH323 at: http://www.voxgratia.org/docs/milestones.html#milestones that signaling and RTP aggregation was intended for OpenH323 v1.19.0 (Titan). I'm sorry if this question has been answered before or if the answer if obvious, but I wanted to know if these enhancements are there in the current release candidate of H323plus. I tried to look through relevant mailing lists (even the older Openh323 mailing lists) but I couldn't find any useful information. If this is the case I intend to use H323plus to replace the older OpenH323 libraries in a couple of open source projects, like Asterisk etc. -- Best regards, Vlasis Hatzistavrou.