

It’s been a while since the last release so it is time to think about a new release.


There has been a lot of activity over the last couple of months in the CVS.

The build system has been updated and should now build against any version of PTLIB including the current HEAD. However it is recommended that you stick to either 2.10 or the latest public 2.12 release version.


A lot of work has been done in signaling and media encryption including adding TLS support and incorporating the updated H.235 spec to support AES256 with large key lengths (up to 8096 bits), H.460.22 support to negotiate when to use TLS and media encryption of the data channel.


H.460.26 support has been added and when used in conjunction with H.460.17 allows tunneling of RAS, Signalling and media over a single persistent TCP connection. If using TLS, the h323plus stack will now allow traversal of any secure NAT over a single TLS connection on trusted port such as 443.   The matching Gatekeeper support is in GnuGk v3.5.



What’s new in the upcoming release.


Added TLS signaling support

Added H.460.22 Support to negotiate TLS support on a per call basis.

Added Encryption support to the H.224 Channel and H323_ExternalRTPChannel

Added DH6144 and DH8192 H.235 Support (support for keylength up to 8192 bits)

Performance Memory management Improvement in audio/video processing.

Updated to compile with PTLIB Head

Added Language assignment and routing support

Added vs2012 Build environment

Fixed vs2010 Build environment

Added H.461 Asset Support.

Update and fixes for H.460.26

Update Presence System to Version 3

Update Alternate and Assigned Gatekeeper code. Removing buggy pointers

Added H.224 Factory loader moved to H224 subdirectory

Added T.140 Support

Added H.284 <New> far end motorized control

add support for <ip>##<room>#<pass> dialing


Along with the release there will be updated documentation.


Again Special thanks to Jan Willamowius and  Yuriy Georgiewskiy for their continued help and support of the project.


If anyone finds bugs then please report them ASAP so we can capture them in the next release.

