Hi all, hope this list he correct list to ask fort he t38modem. We need the following due to virtualization of hardware: We use Hylafax as Fax solution. We try to implement t38modem to talk via H323 (T38) protocol to a innovaphone IP400 router. First we implemented the OpenH323 solution. We can connect to the innovaphone router and we can see that the router is calling. But after some seconds we get a I/O error back. Then we tried to upgrade the whole project to h323plus and the new release of t38modem (0.8.4). We tried the same but we get the same error message. Did anybody have a solution for this? Attached you get a logfile to see some "blabla" of t38modem. I cannot come along why this does not work. This is the string we are using to connect to the gatekeeper on innovaphone: t38modem -p ttyp0 -tttttt -g -u HYLA -i --redundancy H -P T.38-UDP --h245tunneldisable Have a nice day. Marcus Robichon