Hello, I noticed that encoder_set_options of h263-ffmpeg plugin only works while codec initialising. So if you are interested to change bandwidth or quality setting during a videocall you must modify the plugin. in encoder_set_options: add context->Lock(); context->CloseCodec(); /* here options changing ... */ context->OpenCodec(); context->Unlock(); Then add two function Lock and UnLock to H263_Base_EncoderContext with a mutex to ensure no encoding frames while openning or closing a codec! CriticalSection _mutex; void Lock() { _mutex.Wait(); } void Unlock() { _mutex.Signal(); } Add a mutex signal to the beginning of H263EncoderContext::~H263EncoderContext() { WaitAndSignal m(_mutex); /* function code...*/ and int H263EncoderContext::EncodeFrames(const BYTE * src, unsigned & srcLen, BYTE * dst, unsigned & dstLen, unsigned int & flags) { WaitAndSignal m(_mutex); /* function code...*/ So the parameters of ffmepg h263 become usable at least! Anyone tried with h263-1998 ? I'm still not able to make it working for h323 for same reasons I mentioned in my first post. Could be interesting to share some ideas! Greetings, Carlo Subject: RES: [h323plus] h323plus working plugins Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 14:48:41 -0200 From: leandro.alvares@caixa.gov.br To: unazona@hotmail.com Hi Carlos, I got the same results as you.... I’m not happy with my vídeo quality (CIF) and I need to activate the H.264 or H.263 4CIF, but I’m having a lot of dificults.... Regards, Leandro Oliveira Alvares De: h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com [mailto:h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com] Em nome de Carlos Haj Enviada em: sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2010 08:38 Para: h323plus@lists.packetizer.com Assunto: [h323plus] h323plus working plugins Hello Everyone, I've been experimenting Opal plugins on h323plus stack. I would like to share you my experience as it seems to me that most opal plugins doesn't work for h323plus. I compiled plugins along with correct ffmpeg and x264 revisions, on both windows and linux platforms. Here is my test results: H.261vic OK H.263_ffmpeg OK H.263_1998 * Crashes before packetising process, it works after I delay the packetiser function. * Video pixels are melting strikes, even while disabling all h263 annexes. MPEG4 * AVCodec crashes on encoder function H.264 * It doesn't compile at all after activating H323_H264_TEST * Complains about some missing constants, which I added * Compilation errors in structure definitions (h323 capabilities) Theora Not tested I'm unsure about the development priority and/or status of video plugins, as no document states that. Anyone tried to experiment video codecs using h323plus?! do you have same results as me?! Thanks, I appreciate. Vous cherchez l'intégrale des clips de Michael Jackson ? Bing ! Trouvez ! Subject: RES: [h323plus] h323plus working plugins Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 14:48:41 -0200 From: leandro.alvares@caixa.gov.br To: unazona@hotmail.com Hi Carlos, I got the same results as you.... I’m not happy with my vídeo quality (CIF) and I need to activate the H.264 or H.263 4CIF, but I’m having a lot of dificults.... Regards, Leandro Oliveira Alvares De: h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com [mailto:h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com] Em nome de Carlos Haj Enviada em: sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2010 08:38 Para: h323plus@lists.packetizer.com Assunto: [h323plus] h323plus working plugins Hello Everyone, I've been experimenting Opal plugins on h323plus stack. I would like to share you my experience as it seems to me that most opal plugins doesn't work for h323plus. I compiled plugins along with correct ffmpeg and x264 revisions, on both windows and linux platforms. Here is my test results: H.261vic OK H.263_ffmpeg OK H.263_1998 * Crashes before packetising process, it works after I delay the packetiser function. * Video pixels are melting strikes, even while disabling all h263 annexes. MPEG4 * AVCodec crashes on encoder function H.264 * It doesn't compile at all after activating H323_H264_TEST * Complains about some missing constants, which I added * Compilation errors in structure definitions (h323 capabilities) Theora Not tested I'm unsure about the development priority and/or status of video plugins, as no document states that. Anyone tried to experiment video codecs using h323plus?! do you have same results as me?! Thanks, I appreciate. Vous cherchez l'intégrale des clips de Michael Jackson ? Bing ! Trouvez ! _________________________________________________________________ Découvrez Windows 7 en 7 secondes ! http://clk.atdmt.com/FRM/go/181574577/direct/01/