Hi, try pointing PTLIBDIR at the source directory of PTLib. I think H323Plus has a problem building against an installed versuion of PTLib. Regards, Jan Jose P. Espinal wrote:
Hello List,
I'm not sure this is the correct list to post this message, but searching on Google was not of much help.
NOTE: Please feel free to point me to the correct place to search (in the case that this is not the correct list for this)
I'm trying to install OpenH323 1.22.0 on Slackware Linux 13.0, I installed (without problems) ptlib-2.8.3
In the moment I run the ./configure script inside h323plus-1.22.0/ directory, it ends with the following error:
----- checking for /usr/include/ptlib/version.h... no Cannot find ptlib - please install or set PTLIBDIR and try again -----
I tried setting PTLIBDIR and PWLIBDIR, but had no luck.
Is good to note that the system can see ptlib-config:
----- root@testbox_a:~# ptlib-config --version --libdir 2.8.3 /usr/lib -----
Also, I tried doing: touch /usr/include/ptlib/version.h , and after that, the configure script seems to go through without problem.
Questions: a. What I'm missing here? b. What would be the possible consequences of creating an empty version.h, using 'touch'? (Will with break something?)
PS. Sorry if any of this questions sounds obvious to you, I could not find any README or INSTALL doc inside sources packages.
-- Jose P. Espinal http://www.eSlackware.com IRC: Khratos @ #asterisk / -doc / -bugs
-- Jan Willamowius, jan@willamowius.de, http://www.gnugk.org/