I've used SetVideoFrameSize but it doesn't seem to work.
1) If a call is made from Sample application to Polycom on remote side,
things work fine.
Sample transmits 4CIF & receives CIF.
2) If a call is made from Sample to Sample on remote side, negotiation
seems to fail.
Both sides selects H.263 with 4CIF for transmission but no codec is
selected for reception.
"H323VideoCodec codec" received as a parameter of OpenVideoChannel in
H323Endpoint derived class shows the FrameWidth and FrameSize of CIF.
3) But if the call is made from Salyens(4CIF) to the sample application on
remote side, both sides transmits and receives 4CIF perfectly well.
Though the behaviour is not the same if the call is made from samle to
Salyens, i.e. it's not working.
I am completely puzzled over the behaviour cited in above-mentioned cases.
Thanks in advance,
Frame sizes above CIF are handled by a dynamic codec definition in the
plugin. I suggest you download the latest plugins from the h323plus website.
To ensure that 4CIF is available there is a new command in h323plus
AddAllCapabilities(0, P_MAX_INDEX, "*");
This will set the maximum allowable framesize for all call to 4CIF.
-----Original Message-----
From: h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com
[mailto:h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com]On Behalf Of Taranpreet Anand
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 2:27 PM
To: h323plus@lists.packetizer.com
Subject: [h323plus] Problem in receiving 4CIF with H.263 codec
What I've done is, I've added all capabilities first and then set the
topmost priority for "H.263" (which I assume is dynamic and works for all
sizes including 4CIF).
In H323EndPoint derived class,
AddAllCapabilities(0, P_MAX_INDEX, "*");
PStringArray preferenceorder;
PString str3_4cif = "H.263";
This transmits the video to remote site successfully but is not able to show
the received video.
If CIF is selected at remote site, video is displayed on both sides
But if 4CIF is selected, video is not shown on any side.
Please Help.
Thanks in advance.