I'm working with ForwardCall functional and have found a bug if we have forward URL which contains PORT number.
For example, for h323:@ input string H323EndPoint::ParsePartyName will make address string like ip$
// get the various parts of the name
PString hostOnly = PString();
PINDEX userPos = remoteParty.Find('@');
if (userPos != P_MAX_INDEX) {
if (gatekeeper != NULL)
alias = url.AsString();
else {
alias = remoteParty.Left(userPos);
PINDEX portPos = remoteParty.FindLast(':', portPos + 1);
PINDEX len = (portPos != P_MAX_INDEX) ? (portPos - userPos - 1) : P_MAX_INDEX;
hostOnly = remoteParty.Mid(userPos+1, len);
} else {
alias = url.GetUserName();
hostOnly = url.GetHostName();
address = hostOnly;
Also we have similar issue for input string without '@' character. In this case PTLIB::PURL class wrong parse the string (uses as USER).
To fix this issue we need look PTLIB::PURL class futher.