Carlos In your derived H323EndPoint::OpenVideoChannel(() (isEncoding) codec.SetFrameSize(w,h); Simon _____ From: [] On Behalf Of Carlos Haj Sent: Friday, 15 January 2010 12:59 AM To: Subject: Re: [h323plus] Valid sessionID in OpenLogicalChannel command Hello Guys, I would like to have different frame sizes for two endpoints, first I tried to play around with H323Endpoint::SetVideoFrameSize, but it seems that part changes the maximum allowed size, which means that if I switch the videoFrameSize to qCIF, I wouldn't be able to receive CIF from the other endpoint. my test only received QCIF. I tried also to modify the OpalMediaFormat by using a GetWritableMediaFormat for a capability, that ended with unusual CIF format while having a QCIF resolution. On the other hand, I looked Opal examples where they use an OpalManager, but unfortuntly that seems incompatible with h323plus, while old openh323 tutorials and exampls don't have any video plugins support. How I can manage to receive and send different resolutions (frame sizes) using H323plus? I appreciate a lot your help Carlos _____ Avec Internet Explorer, surfez en toute discrétion sur internet Cliquez ici <> !