2 Apr
2 Apr
9:12 a.m.
Hello! Unfortunately we cannot help here with t38modem and SIP, what we use is t38modem with H.323. Regards, Tamas ps: As I remember, the pwlib, opal version from 2007 May should compile - according to the opal mailing list. forum írta:
Hello !
I try to build, t38modem from version 8.x.x since half a year, with no positive result, also from the svn... :( Now I see you have realese version 1.0.1, but still there is NO documentation for this... :(
I presume there is need for: - PWLIB or PTLIB - version ? link to DL ? - OpenH323 or H323Plus - version ? link to DL ? - Opal (yes I need SIP !) - version ? link to DL ? and of course t38modem 1.0.1
My system is: Slackware 11, kernel
Thank you.