Hi, thanks for pointing that out. I applied a slightly different fix to the CVS. Regards, Jan Bian wrote:
in gkserver.cxx
variable identifierBase is defined as type time_t and in vs2008 time_t is type __time64_t ( __int64 )
psprintf("%x:%u", identifierBase, nextIdentifier++) always output "xxxxxx:0", then CreateEndPointIdentifier() will return same indentifier at anytime
PString H323GatekeeperServer::CreateEndPointIdentifier() { PWaitAndSignal wait(mutex); //return psprintf("%x:%u", identifierBase, nextIdentifier++); // <---bug here return psprintf("%x:%u", (int)identifierBase, nextIdentifier++); }
Best Regards,
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-- Jan Willamowius, jan@willamowius.de, http://www.willamowius.de/