HI Michael, I guess you have compiled PTLIB and H323plus and OpenMCU correctly. H323plus doesn't need ffmpeg. ffmpeg is needed by h323plus avplugin. You were able to hear audio because h323plus comes with G711 codecs. You will need to build H263 plugin separately. h263 plugin needs ffmpeg version 0.47. To install it: run ./configure --enable-shared, then make and make install in ffmpeg directory. Once that is done, download the plugins directory from h323plus.com. untar the direcory under h323plus directory so that you will have plugins directory under h323plus. Goto plugins directory. run ./configure You should see h263 : yes in output of configure script. This means it will build H.263 plugin. If it is 'no' there is something wrong with prerequisites i.e. ffmpeg. make sure that libavcodec.h file is in include path. once you see H.263: yes as output, run make and make install in plugins directory. create a directory to store the plugins. Set environment variable PWLIBPLUGINDIR pointing to that directory. Copy h323plus/plugins/video/h.263/h263-ffmpeg_video_pwplugin.so file to $PWLIBPLUGINDIR. Copy libavcoded.so to $PWLIBPLUGINDIR and rename it to avcodec. Now start openmcu, it should load with H.263 capability. File "C:\\traces.txt" will be created in directory from which you will start openmcu. You can see what all capabilities are added while openmcu is started in that file. Thanks and Regards, Prasad. On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Michael Bondi <mike@bridgeconference.co.za>wrote:
Hi all and Happy 2010!
This may have been asked before, but I cannot help myself but to ask again.
I have compiled ptlib 2.4.5 and h323plus 1.21 and openmcu 2.2.5 on a Debian 5 machine.
I am able to connect and hear the tones and message for connecting but am unable to get video on the screen.
I have tried compiling h323plus with only the 0.4.7 ffmpeg libavcodec.so placed in a directory /root/codec and compiled with ./configure --enable-rfc2190avcodec=/root/ffmpeg switch, all compiles fine, but still no h.263 video. Is there any more I need to do here?
Also, I am getting confused where to unpack and install the a/v plugins from file http://www.h323plus.org/source/download/plugins-v1_21_0.tar.gz