I have done as you mentioned in class derived from H323EndPoint.
I added capabilities as follows.
AddAllCapabilities(0, 0, "*");
AddAllUserInputCapabilities(0, P_MAX_INDEX);
I am using Visual
Studio.Net 2003 for my application.
This is the trace in the output window of VS 2003
Loaded 'C:\PWLIB_PLUGINS\h261vic_pwplugin.dll', No symbols loaded.
Loaded 'C:\PWLIB_PLUGINS\h263ffmpeg_pwplugin.dll', Symbols loaded.
I guess the dlls are loaded but codecs are not actually plugged in because of some reason.
When I checked the capabilities only two codecs G711 U and A law are there in it and remaining 8 enteries show
H323_UserInputCapability string .
Please Help!!!