On Tue 25 Dec 2007, Adam Williamson wrote:
So, second question :)
I've now got h323plus built and in the distro. But it doesn't build against ptlib 2.x, only ptlib / pwlib 1.12. This means I have a fairly ugly mess of packages in Mandriva right now - separate packages for ptlib 2.x and pwlib 1.12 which conflict in lots of fun ways. I need both as current Opal wants ptlib 2.x, but h323plus wants pwlib / ptlib 1.12...
I guess h323plus will be migrated to build okay against ptlib 2.x, right? Is there an ETA on this? Thanks!
Hi Adam This is a known issue that I have been discussing offlist with Simon. There are some major changes taking place inside ptlib at the moment. The most dramatic involved a change in the handling of BOOL. Now that this change is complete, Simon has commited to update h323plus, however he (like the rest of us) is a bit busy over the holiday season :-) PS. I am the maintainer of the openSUSE buildservice packages for h323plus, opal and ptlib (But not the official SUSE release packages which are maintained by a Novell employee) Merry Christmas -- Peter Nixon http://peternixon.net/