Craig Southeren asked:
Here is a specific question for those people using OpenH323 (and now H323Plus) instead of OPAL.
What would have to changed in, or added to, OPAL in order for you to move from OpenH323 (other than all of H.45x and H.46x stuff we are already committed to migrating) ?
The main point for GnuGk is that there is very little to be gained from a move to OPAL. Its not that I dislike anything thats in there, we just don't need 90% of the framework OPAL provides. But because we would have to change some many places in the code where the interface is a little different, we would introduce a lot of bugs when doing the switch - not even considering the amount of work we'd have to put in. This simply doesn't make sense for a zero gain. It totally makes sense to use OPAL for any endpoint application. They have a lot to benefit, but GnuGk is using mainly the packet decoding stuff and that has been extremely stable since a number of years. Every once in a blue moon we hit a PWLib bug or Simon implements a new H.great-and-new standard, but basically the OpenH323 code base is just too stable and proven to drop for GnuGk's needs. ;-) Cheers, Jan -- Jan Willamowius, jan@willamowius.de, http://www.gnugk.org/