Hi Mik, sorry to delay. Are you running the application as root. I'm not sure how to souve this problem. can you send me the strace output? Regards, Leandro -----Mensagem original----- De: h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com [mailto:h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com] Em nome de Michael Miller Enviada em: quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2009 12:59 Para: h323plus@lists.packetizer.com Assunto: Re: [h323plus] RES: Expired certificate? Leandro, Yes, the cert error occurs on start. Here's the output I get when I run openmcu: ~]$ /bin/openmcu -c -n -d --video -u mimiller --defaultroom ncsa1 error loading /usr/local/lib/pwlib/avcodec - /usr/local/lib/pwlib/avcodec: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory error loading /usr/local/lib/pwlib/libavcodec.so - /usr/local/lib/pwlib/libavcodec.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory All output for OpenMCU is to console. 2009/05/27 10:56:16.171 OpenMCU Message Starting service process "OpenMCU" v2.2.4 2009/05/27 10:56:16.176 OpenMCU Debug3 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 5 Thread unblock pipe Daemon started with pid 20901 Could not write pid to file "/var/run/openmcu.pid" - Permission denied 2009/05/27 10:56:16.184 OpenMCU Debug3 [mimiller@roeshamboe ~]$ 2009/05/27 10:56:16.193 OpenMCU Debug3 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 2 2009/05/27 10:56:16.197 OpenMCU Debug3 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 7 Thread unblock pipe 2009/05/27 10:56:16.200 OpenMCU Debug3 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 3 2009/05/27 10:56:16.204 OpenMCU Debug3 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 9 Thread unblock pipe 2009/05/27 10:56:16.207 OpenMCU Debug3 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 4 2009/05/27 10:56:16.210 H323 Cleaner:0xb7f03b90 Debug3 H323 Started cleaner thread 2009/05/27 10:56:16.213 OpenMCU Debug3 H323 Created endpoint. 2009/05/27 10:56:16.216 OpenMCU Debug3 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 11 Thread unblock pipe 2009/05/27 10:56:16.219 OpenMCU Debug3 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 5 2009/05/27 10:56:16.222 PXConfigWr...0xb7ec2b90 Debug3 PTLib Config file cache write back thread started. 2009/05/27 10:56:16.226 OpenMCU Debug3 PTLib Created PXConfig 0x877b130 2009/05/27 10:56:16.228 OpenMCU Debug3 PTLib Reading config file: /home/mimiller/.pwlib_config/openmcu.ini OpenMCU: Could not open trace output file "/bin/c:\trace.txt"2009/05/27 10:56:16.233 OpenMCU Debug3 0:00.483 OpenMCU Version 2.2.4 by H323plus on Unix Linux ( with PTLib (v2.6.2) at 2009/5/27 10:56:16.232 2009/05/27 10:56:16.421 OpenMCU Fatal error MCU Could not load certificate "server.pem" 2009/05/27 10:56:16.424 OpenMCU Debug3 0:00.674 OpenMCU PTLib Destroyed PXConfig 0x877b130 2009/05/27 10:56:16.432 OpenMCU Debug3 0:00.687 Housekeeper:0xb7f85b90 Housekeeping thread ended 0:00.688 OpenMCU PTLib Unblocking I/O fd=0 thread=Housekeeper:0xb7f85b90 0:00.689 OpenMCU WaitForTermination on 3086506896 finished 0:00.690 OpenMCU PTLib Destroyed thread 0x877b538 Housekeeper:0xb7f85b90(id = b7f85b90) 0:00.692 OpenMCU PTLib Unblocking I/O fd=10 thread=PXConfigWriteThread:0xb7ec2b90 0:00.692 OpenMCU WaitForTermination on 3085708176 finished 0:00.693 OpenMCU PTLib Destroyed thread 0x877c568 PXConfigWriteThread:0xb7ec2b90(id = b7ec2b90) Here's what I have in .pwlib_config/.ini .pwlib_config]$ more .ini [Parameters] Username=agnode Password=IuXQ/q2bx9tLDc12vjbzxA== Log Level=2 HTTP Port=1420 Interface Array Size=0 Gatekeeper Mode=Use gatekeeper Gatekeeper= Gatekeeper Username=NCSA_MCU Gatekeeper Password=LNpGEVnhuTA= Gatekeeper Room Names=ncsa* Gatekeeper Prefixes Array Size=0 Enable video=True Video frame rate=30 Video quality=1 Default room=ncsa1 Room time limit=0 Connecting WAV File=/home/mimiller/connecting.wav Entering WAV File=/home/mimiller/entering.wav Leaving WAV File=/home/mimiller/leaving.wav Call log filename=/home/mimiller/mcu_log.txt Force split screen video=False I don't see anything referring to a certificate in the config. Should I be looking somewhere else? thanks Michael "If you're clear in your vision and trust the people in your team with clear objectives, they will invariably do their best to achieve everything desired, and usually deliver everything you could have hoped for and even more." -Paul Debevec ----- Original Message ----- From: "leandro alvares" <leandro.alvares@caixa.gov.br> To: h323plus@lists.packetizer.com Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 9:44:47 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central Subject: [h323plus] RES: Expired certificate? Hi Mik, this archive is not mandatory. Does it occurs when you start the application? if yes, try to change config archive located by default at $HOME/.pwlib_config/.ini. You can delete the certificate parameter. Regards, Leandro -----Mensagem original----- De: h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com [mailto:h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com] Em nome de Michael Miller Enviada em: terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2009 17:43 Para: h323plus Assunto: [h323plus] Expired certificate? Hello, I've gotten openmcu to compile but now I'm running into an error with the certificate? I hadn't had this problem before when I compiled OpenMCU 2.2.3? ... 2009/05/26 14:23:34.646 OpenMCU Fatal error MCU Could not load certificate "server.pem" ... [ ~]# openssl verify /root/openmcu-v2_2_3-src/server.pem /root/openmcu-v2_2_3-src/server.pem: /CN=OpenMCU@rapido/O=Post Increment error 18 at 0 depth lookup:self signed certificate /CN=OpenMCU@rapido/O=Post Increment error 10 at 0 depth lookup:certificate has expired OK I can try a different server certificate from another repository, or will this cause me problems? Also, where should this certificate reside? thanks Michael "If you're clear in your vision and trust the people in your team with clear objectives, they will invariably do their best to achieve everything desired, and usually deliver everything you could have hoped for and even more." -Paul Debevec