Vladimir Sorry for the delay in replying. X264 is definitely a moving target and I'm happy with v102 and it works quite well. I would suggest doing a CVS update and compile debug version of the X264_helper. I've removed the visual studio debug dependencies and I've had pretty good success with that. If that does not work I would try earlier iterations of X264. Simon From: Vladimir Fekete [mailto:vladko.fekete@gmail.com] Sent: 18 February 2011 01:37 To: Simon Horne Cc: opalvoip-devel@lists.sourceforge.net; h323plus@lists.packetizer.com Subject: Re: unavailable H.264 plugin and missing H.263 CIF4/16 capabilities One note : I found out a command dumpbin, so now I see, that exported symbols are : h264_ptplugin.dll OpalCodecPlugin_GetCodecs PWLibPlugin_GetAPIVersion libx264-114.dll 828 functions exported... and when I tried to use it on ffmpeg libraries, the link.exe crashed (I'm not sure, whether it points out that ffmpeg was not build correctly or not). anyway, at least concerning the h264plugin, symbols seems to be exported correctly so I would expect i should see the capability (or at least a crash would be nice, so I know it does something) V.