-----Original Message----- From: opalvoip-devel-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:opalvoip- devel-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Simon Horne ... Let me clear something up. GnuGk has numerous new features with the h323plus library over the openh323 library including H.350 LDAP, H.341 SNMP and numereous H.460 features including H.460.9 real-time Qos measurements, H.460.followme and the latest H.460 NAT Traversal technology P2Pnat Media and Presence implementation which should be available in the v2.2.8 release. The project is continuing it's evolutionary development just fine without the need for Opal.
OK, that was a misinterpretation by me when Jan said he did not need 90% of OPAL code. I extrapolated that to mean he did not use much of OpenH323 either. And I was unaware that they have been using the "plus" branch, I incorrectly assumed they were on the trunk.
I wish to caution you on misleading people.
Oh, now things are getting nasty. When accusations like this happen it is certainly time for the discussion to stop.
Opal currently, as far as I know, has no additional H.323 features over the existing openh323 library (aside the video plugins support) unless I'm mistaken looking at the SVN I can't see anything new?. While h323plus which has been developed over the last 12 months as a branch of openh323 and has a substantial array, as mentioned previously, of new features http://www.h323plus.org/standards/ most of which are not currently available in OpalVoIP.
And why are they not in OPAL? Because effort is divided between two libraries.
Now, as I said before, you are quite welcome to port any of these ideas to Opal but to infer the latest wizzbang H.323 stuff is in Opal (at least at the moment) is being misleading...
That is not what I meant. I did not mention OpenH323 features explicitly. And if things had gone the way I had originally envisioned with all new development being in OPAL then this statement would be 100% true. As it is, it is only true for non-H.323 features.
I carefully remind you that the decision to fork Opal out of OpenH323 was
There is that work "fork" again, even though I have tried hard to remove it from perceptions. The real fork happened FOUR YEAR AGO. The move to a different repository is just admin.
On that note, I strongly suggest, as I hinted before, we bring this discussion to a permanent close.
Agreed. But accusations of deliberately misleading people could not go unanswered. Robert Jongbloed OPAL/OpenH323 Architect and Co-founder.