Welcome Craig h323plus currently contains a large array of features such as directory services (H.350),app sharing (H.239) conference controls (H.230), SNMP (H.341) etc which you did not mention that are not currently available in Opal. As I offered previously to you or anyone else, you are quite welcome to port any of these ideas to opal (like my H.460.x work craig mentioned) with my support so as to provide a more compelling argument for migration to opal. But honestly I think you should direct your questions to the various projects that were "orphaned" on the executive decision to migrate to OpalVoIP and plead the case to them. You are most welcome to participate on the h323plus mailing list and provide input etc but please try and refrain from touting other projects, it was frowned apon on the openH323 list, so it should be no different now. Simon -----Original Message----- From: h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com [mailto:h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com]On Behalf Of Craig Southeren Sent: Saturday, 3 November 2007 1:18 PM To: Robert Jongbloed Cc: h323plus@lists.packetizer.com; Opalvoip-devel@lists.sourceforge.net; 'Discussion on enhancements and development issues with the OpenH323library'; GNU Gatekeeper Developer Subject: Re: [h323plus] [Opalvoip-devel] [Openh323-devel] opalvoip vsh323plus ..deleted
H323plus has a completely different focus to that of OpalVoIP and is designed to undertake advanced H.323 development (hence the plus) and unleach the full potential of what H.323 is capable of where are OpalVoIP is more of a generalist which to date has focused a lot of their attention (of late) on SIP.
Here is a specific question for those people using OpenH323 (and now H323Plus) instead of OPAL. What would have to changed in, or added to, OPAL in order for you to move from OpenH323 (other than all of H.45x and H.46x stuff we are already committed to migrating) ? In other words, if you configure Opal with only H.323 support (which you can do now by running "./configure --disable-sip --disable-iax", what makes it so different from OpenH323 that it is worth splitting our joint efforts and maintaining two codebases? If you can answer this question, I promise that the Opal project will do it's very best to fulfill the requirements so we can all work on one codebase rather than two. Craig ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Craig Southeren Post Increment – VoIP Consulting and Software craigs@postincrement.com.au www.postincrement.com.au Phone: +61 243654666 ICQ: #86852844 Fax: +61 243656905 MSN: craig_southeren@hotmail.com Mobile: +61 417231046 Jabber: craigs@jabber.org "Science is the poetry of reality." Richard Dawkins