NOTE: H.460.presence is still very much *in development*. The code has been slightly modified from AVD-3293 after some consultation and the h323plus implementation will be resubmitted at the next ITU meeting.
Support was only included with the windows distribution of H323plus v1.20, the reason for this is I did not get time to test the compile on linux hence why the files are not included in the makefile.
From your attached log I have now patched the CVS version (files
h460/h460p.h and h460/h460p.cxx) feel free to test to make sure it compiles.
The code in /extensions/h460/h460.presence is a simple endpoint (currently for windows, no linux make files) on how to use the presence feature in your application.
The bulk of new work on presence will now move to linux and GnuGk for inclusion in GnuGk v2.2.8 (one after next release).
-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Mark Stripes Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 2:28 AM To: H323plus Subject: [h323plus] H.pres status
One of the emerging standards that attracts me is H.presence - and I see from the 1.20.2 distribution of h323plus that the recent draft of AVD-3293 is included. However, whilst the code stubs are built by the parser, those stubs don't appear to be included when building the h323plus library.
Adding their inclusion to src/Makefile in the H323_H460 section and rebuilding fails with what appear to be fundamental errors (copied at Have I missed something obvious?
I'm trying to build in an Ubuntu 7.10 environment with g++ 4.1.3.
Also, I note that the stubs present in CVS under /extensions/h460/h460.presence are different from those bundled in h323lib-proper. Is there some magic documented somewhere that would enable me to build the testapp under the extensions tree?
Sorry if this is all a bit "n00b"-like -- I'm new to h323plus. Feel free to kick me towards a readme somewhere that I most likely have missed!
Thanks in advance for any input you can offer,
-- "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members" - Groucho